The Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases...

This comprehensive text is written specifically for the non-Western practitioner. It is designed to explain the Chinese medical disease mechanisms and treatments for cardiovascular disease and all its many complications.
The Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases with Chinese Medicine
2 390 Kč 2 390 Kč bez DPH
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This comprehensive text is written specifically for the non-Western practitioner. It is designed to explain the Chinese medical disease mechanisms and treatments for cardiovascular disease and all its many complications. It covers 28 cardiovascular conditions and includes case histories, recent research, charts and graphs. This book includes both acupuncture/moxibustion therapy, Chinese herbal medicine case histories and up-to-date research showing how Chinese medicine is being used in tandem with all types of Western medical treatments for cardiovascular diseases.

With the aging of the baby boom generation, the number of people affected by these diseases will increase. This book explains the Western terminology, treatments, their side effects, and patients' experience with and prognosis for these diseases. Be informed of the latest Western medical thoughts on preventive therapy for cardiovascular disease.

This book covers many conditions not previously seen in the English language literature on Chinese medicine.

Number of pages:638
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