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Small animal acupuncture point locations


This book takes the acupuncture point location descriptions that acupuncturists use and applies them to the small animal body. Full color pictures with all of the anatomical detail necessary to accurately locate the points make this textbook the first choice for acupuncurists wanting to learn acupuncture point location on cats and dogs. Více...

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Small animal acupuncture point locations

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Podrobný popis Small animal acupuncture point locations

This book takes the acupuncture point location descriptions that acupuncturists use and applies them to the small animal body. Full color pictures with all of the anatomical detail necessary to accurately locate the points make this textbook the first choice for acupuncurists wanting to learn acupuncture point location on cats and dogs.

About the Author:

Becca Seitz graduated from Portland State University with a degree in Organismal Biology and Pre-Veterinary Medicine. She continued on to the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, graduating with a Master's in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Becca is the current Secretary for the American Board of Animal Acupuncture and an instructor and the President of the International Academy of Animal Acupuncture. Becca has a private acupuncture and Chinese herbal practice in Portland, Oregon, where she treats both people and pets. She is particularly interested in treating dermatological conditions, injuries and pain, and allergies.

Paperback: 222 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (October 14, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1502739836

ISBN-13: 978-1502739834

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.5 x 11 inches

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