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Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine, Will Maclean, Jane Lyttleton


Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine - Volume 1: Lung Kidney Liver Heart 1st Edition.
Volume I: Lung, Kidney, Liver, and Heart This volume presents theory and treatment guidelines, remaining true to their historical and traditional origins. It is presented alongside modern day aetiological factors, western medical disease names and other relevant lifestyle details which can influence successful therapeutic outcome. Více...

Cena s DPH5 300,00 Kč
Cena bez DPH 5 300,00 Kč

Dostupnost: skladem


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Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine, Will Maclean, Jane Lyttleton

Podrobný popis Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine, Will Maclean, Jane Lyttleton

Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine - Volume 1: Lung Kidney Liver Heart 1st Edition

Volume I: Lung, Kidney, Liver, and Heart This volume presents theory and treatment guidelines, remaining true to their historical and traditional origins. It is presented alongside modern day aetiological factors, western medical disease names and other relevant lifestyle details which can influence successful therapeutic outcome.

The body of the text is arranged in the traditional groups of TCM defined 'diseases' associated with one of the internal organ (zang fu) systems, the channels, or physiological substances. Beginning with disorders associated with the 'metal' phase of the Five Phase generative cycle, this volume deals with disorders of the Lungs (metal), Kidney, Liver and Heart.

At the beginning of each chapter a brief account is given of the aetiological factors pertaining to the patterns therein. These accounts serve as quick summaries of the relevant TCM theory and highlight the most common causes. Each pattern is described in terms of its pathophysiology, its clinical features, principles of treatment, prescriptions, modifications to the primary formula(e) and variations.

Number of pages: 995

Bound: Hardcover

ISBN-13: 978-1875760930

ISBN-10: 1875760938

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